In Akari’s and Hiroshi’s kitchen, there is fusion; a smell of Basque ingredients and Japanese know-how. This couple comes from a place near Tokyo and has lived in the Basque Country for several years. They are the owners of a restaurant in San Sebastian, and speak out clearly about prices, fresh products and food safety. They are aware that the law says that fish has to be frozen if it is going to be eaten raw because of the risk of anisakis. However, the majority of the clients that come to their restaurant in search for fresh fish can find it. This is a daily incongruity. Continue reading
- The debate about the future of local farmers and food producers, is more relevant than ever. Legal defense for the small farmer, fisherman or breeder, is a burning issue that affects everyone's social, economic and cultural interests. This blog aims to give a voice to every local producer albeit fisherman, farmer or livestock breeder in a constructive spirit, and we will deal rigorously with legal vacuums, legal inconsistencies or any lack of information that can affect the local producer. We will share with you anonymous stories about local and global small farmers. The topics and themes of the stories will be very varied. In short, this blog is a question of searching for solutions, gather opinions and being open to different perspectives in order to achieve better legislation, to protect small family-run farms.. Do you have a story to tell? If so, please write to: